MR2020: Introductory Computer Programming for METOC (2CR lecture/2CR lab)
Officially "Computer Computations in Air-Ocean Sciences"
Meeting Times: M,W: 1500-1650
Location: Root 123 (IDEA Lab)

Instructor: Scott Powell
Email: scott dot powell at nps dot edu
Office: Root 255

Course objectives:

- Learn to use and navigate UNIX based systems (e.g., Mac, Linux).
- Learn fundamentals of using computer logic to translate an outline of desired operations into computer code
- Familiarization with developing code in the python programming language to accomplish common tasks such as and reading/writing data, executing computations on that data, and plotting one-dimensional and multi-dimensional data

Textbooks/Other Instruction Information:

There is no textbook assigned for this course. The course will be code based. In other words, instruction will focus on code examples, and comments explaining the code will be included within. Descriptions of code will also include links to documentation available online as appropriate.

The beginning of the course will follow the outline of the "Free Python Crash Course" at This includes a 3-hour video of which parts will be assigned for homework during the first few weeks of the course. The videos are supplemented by code found here.

All students will need an active NPS GitLab account for this class.

Other potentially useful resources
Python Beginners' Guide
Google (If you can't figure out how to do something, chances are someone else has done it already.)

Grading: Midterm: 50%, Final Project: 50%
See syllabus for more information.