MR 3522: Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Ocean (4CR lecture/2CR lab)
Meeting Times: Thurs: 1300-1500, Fri: 0900-1100 (hours may change)
Location: Root 117
Instructor: Scott Powell
Email: scott dot powell at nps dot edu
Office: Root 255
Final Exam: TBD during Final Exam week
Course objectives:
- Understand fundamentals of how satellite-, airborne-, and surface-based instruments provide information about the atmosphere, ocean surface and land surface.
- Visualize and interpret data from a variety of remote sensing instruments, primarily through lab exercises.
- Develop an improved, holistic understanding of how to apply information from various remote sensing platforms, including new state-of-the-art instruments, in research and operational settings.
Satellite Meteorology: An Introduction by Kidder and Vonder Haar (Old but useful for reviewed material early in course; first three chapters available on this page)
Radar Meteorology: A First Course by Rauber and Nesbitt (required for later half of course)
Grading: All assignments must be completed. An incomplete may be given for a final grade if any assignments are not completed without approval from the instructor.
Weights for final grade are as follows: Quizzes: 15%, Class Worksheets: 15% Midterm Exam: 25%, Final Exam: 45%